Senior Care Resources
Elderly Care Professionals in Southeast Michigan
Whether you are looking for resources to help you navigate your own mobility struggles or are looking for ways of caring for the elderly in your family or community, there are a variety of services and organizations available for senior care in Southeast Michigan. My Total Move seeks to provide you with options that make all the difference. If you or a loved one are looking to retire in place or are considering a move to a smaller, more manageable home, My Total Move is here to help.
My Total Move knows that locating credible care professionals can be difficult. Sometimes the difference between a healthy, happy retirement and a challenging one comes down to the little things. A reliable ride to the doctor’s office. Help with food delivery. In-home care services. That’s why My Total Move is always working to find and identify the best care professionals in Southeast Michigan.
These local providers offer the help you need along with the tact and sensitivity you want so that you or a loved one can retire and live more independently. No matter what your individual situation looks like, My Total Move will always strive to connect you with the expert advice you’re looking for and the service providers you require.
Senior Transportation
Senior Care Services and Transport LLC [Senior Care Services & Transport, LLC – Premium – Prompt – Pleasant (srctransport.com)]; CALL TO SCHEDULE A RIDE at (248) 356-6898 or (844) 728-7433
Senior Center Bus Service; The senior center buses provide curb-to-curb service within the City limit on a donation basis. Rides are available to local shopping districts, grocery stores, Westland Mall (first and third Thursdays of the month at 10:30 a.m.) and to the Senior Center. Call (734) 466-2700
Doctor’s Van; is available Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The Civic Park Senior Center offers a shuttle to doctors’ offices within the City of Livonia and up to one mile outside the city limits. Please contact (734) 466-2700
Livonia Community Transit (LCT); provides transportation services to seniors (60 years old and over) and disabled residents of Livonia. Call (734) 466-2700
Local Senior Connections
Area Agency on Aging 1-C/ The Senior Alliance; (800) 815-1112 or (734) 722-2830
Civic Park Senior Center; 15218 Farmington Road or Phone: (734) 466-2555
Meals On Wheels; volunteers to homebound seniors. For information, call (734) 326-5202 or (800) 851-1454.
Focus Hope; Monthly food distribution to low-income Livonia residents, ages 60 and older. For more information, please call (734) 466-2557.
Medical Assistance
ST. MARY MERCY LIVONIA Senior Services; 734-655-1310
Henry Ford Medical Center; (734) 523-1050
Medicare Medicaid Assistance Program (MMAP); www.mmapinc.org or Call 800-803-7174
Centers for Disease Control; CDC.org or Call 800-232-4636
American Stroke Association 888-478-7653
Caregiver Resources
Kinship Care Resource Center; www.kinship.msu.edu or call 800-535-1218
Eldercare Locator; www.eldercare.gov or call 800-677-1116
National Alliance for Caregiving; www.caregiving.org or call 301-718-8444
National Caregiving Foundation; www.caregivingfoundation.org *Offers a free Caregivers Support Kit-order online*
AARP Home & Family Caregiving; www.aarp.org/home-family/cargiving/
Caregiver Hotline: 877-333-5885
Senior Transportation
Senior Care Services and Transport LLC [Senior Care Services & Transport, LLC – Premium – Prompt – Pleasant (srctransport.com)]; CALL TO SCHEDULE A RIDE at (248) 356-6898 or (844) 728-7433
Senior Center Bus Service; The senior center buses provide curb-to-curb service within the City limit on a donation basis. Rides are available to local shopping districts, grocery stores, Westland Mall (first and third Thursdays of the month at 10:30 a.m.) and to the Senior Center. Call (734) 466-2700
Doctor’s Van; is available Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The Civic Park Senior Center offers a shuttle to doctors’ offices within the City of Livonia and up to one mile outside the city limits. Please contact (734) 466-2700
Livonia Community Transit (LCT); provides transportation services to seniors (60 years old and over) and disabled residents of Livonia. Call (734) 466-2700
Local Senior Connections
Area Agency on Aging 1-C/ The Senior Alliance; (800) 815-1112 or (734) 722-2830
Civic Park Senior Center; 15218 Farmington Road or Phone: (734) 466-2555
Meals On Wheels; volunteers to homebound seniors. For information, call (734) 326-5202 or (800) 851-1454.
Focus Hope; Monthly food distribution to low-income Livonia residents, ages 60 and older. For more information, please call (734) 466-2557.
Angela Hospice Grief Support Programs; 734-779-6690
New Home Center for Grief Support; 248-348-0115
Caregiver Resources
Kinship Care Resource Center; www.kinship.msu.edu or call 800-535-1218
Eldercare Locator; www.eldercare.gov or call 800-677-1116
National Alliance for Caregiving; www.caregiving.org or call 301-718-8444
National Caregiving Foundation; www.caregivingfoundation.org *Offers a free Caregivers Support Kit-order online*
AARP Home & Family Caregiving; www.aarp.org/home-family/cargiving/
Caregiver Hotline: 877-333-5885
Senior Transportation
SMART through Northville Senior Center; To schedule a ride, call (248) 449-9934
Local Senior Connections
Northville Senior Services; 303 W. Main Street or Call (248) 305-2851
Senior Transportation
LA Medical Transportation; When you need courteous, reliable and professional transportation, call us at (734) 353-6190, or (313) 442-3443, or (716) 544-1122 or Email us at contacts@la-medical-transportation.com to schedule a transport for you or your loved one.
Local Senior Connections
Canton Twp Senior Citizens Center; (734) 394-5485
Wayne County Senior Citizens Services; (734) 727-7374
CANTON CLUB 55+; 46000 Summit Parkway Canton, MI 48188 or Call (734) 394-5485
Friendly Reassurance; a telephone program provided by Wayne County Senior Citizen Services. A friendly call Monday through Friday will brighten your day. This free service is for Canton residents 60 years of age and older. For more information, please call 734-722-2830
BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP; Sponsored by the Canton Public Library, this group meets the 4th Thursday of each month. Please contact the Canton Library at 734-397-0999 for the book list or see the Club 55+ monthly newsletter.
ACA MICHIGAN WOMEN CULTURE CLUB; serves women between 40-60 years old by providing a variety of activities, such as culture, arts, health, self-cultivation, life style and living skills. This group meets the first Monday of each month, and then the following Wednesdays of the month at 9am – 12pm.
Caregiver Resources
CAREGIVER INFORMATION AND SUPPORT – MEMORY LOSS; group meets monthly to talk about caring for someone with memory loss, share strategies, and offer support and understanding. Meetings are at 7 pm. Please call (313) 618-7212
Senior Transportation
Plymouth Community Senior Transportation; To make reservations or for more information please Call (734) 459-8888
The Friendship Station; located at 42375 Schoolcraft. For more information about Friendship Station and all senior activities, please contact the PCCA at 734-354-3222.
Local Senior Connections
The Plymouth Community Council on Aging (PCCA); is a non-profit corporation, organized to coordinate programs, public and private, which promote and safeguard the independence and well-being of the citizens age 55 and over in the greater Plymouth Community. please contact the PCCA at 734-354-3222.
Area Agency on Aging 1-C/ The Senior Alliance; (800) 815-1112 or (734) 722-2830
Plymouth Council on Aging; 201 S. Main Plymouth, MI. Call (734) 453-1234 x236
Caregiver Resources
CAREGIVER INFORMATION AND SUPPORT – MEMORY LOSS; group meets monthly to talk about caring for someone with memory loss, share strategies, and offer support and understanding. Meetings are at 7 pm. Please call (313) 618-7212
Senior Transportation
Nankin Transit; 32150 Dorsey Westland, MI Phone: (734) 729-2710
Local Senior Connections
Westland Senior Center; 1119 Newburgh Road Westland, MI (734) 722-7628
Wayne County Regional Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped; 30555 Michigan Ave. Westland, MI 48186-5310 Phone: (734) 727-7300
Senior Friendship Center; 1119 N Newburgh Road Westland, MI (734) 722-7628
Medical Assistance
Senior Health & Wellness | Westland, MI (www.cityofwestland.com)
Garden City
Local Senior Connections
Above and Beyond Home Care Solutions; (734) 466- 5340
Maplewood Senior Center; 31735 Maplewood St. Garden City, MI or Call (734) 793-1870
Our H.O.M.E. Pantry; Call 734-793-1859
State & Federal Resources
Senior Care Resources
National Institute on Aging; Call 800-222-2225 or www.NIA.NIH.Gov
Alzheimer’s Disease – Education and Referral Center; Call 800-438-4380 or www.nia.nih.gov/health/alzheimers
Michigan Office of Services to the Aging 517-241-4100
National Association for Home Care and Hospice 202-547-7424
Michigan Vulnerable Adult Help Line 855-444-3911
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